A Paper Log Maker
or briquette maker as it it sometimes called, enables you
to recycle your waste paper into fuel, saving you money on your heating
bills whilst conserving forests and reducing landfill. Paper logs can
burn as well as wood for
up to two hours at a controlled rate in a fire grate or woodburning
stove. Paper log makers are available with either wet or dry filling.
of the most popular paper log makers is this Heavy Duty Paper Log
With it's strong all metal construction, it will ensure years of
reliable service. it is easy and safe to use. Simply soak the paper,
place into the mould and squeeze out the excess water. Once dried they
can be added to your fire. It is currently on special offer at around
For those
who want to remain totally green, there is this 100% Recycled Plastic Paper Log Maker.
Save on your fuel costs by using newspaper, paper shreddings,
cardboard, wood chippings, dry leaves, twigs, chopped branches,
wrapping paper, dry tea bags and junk mail as
a burnable material. This log maker produces compact logs that do not
require wetting. Therefore the logs are ready to burn immediately.
Priced at just under £20. There is another tube style Dry
Paper Log Maker (right) which is made
from aluminium and wood. Again this can make logs without the need for
wetting the paper before hand.
This Paper Log Maker
(left) allows you to convert old newspapers, junk mail, shredded paper,
cardboard, wood chippings and wrapping paper into fuel. Currently
available at less than £15.
finally available in Europe! The long awaited 4 in 1 Paper Log Maker
gives you the the opportunity to produce four paper logs at a time,
making it ideal for those who use their fire or wodd burning stove
regularly. Supply is limited so order early to avoid disappointment.
Log Makers and Eco Related News
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more Average
household could produce 500 paper logs each year converting their waste
paper and cardboard .... read more More
Products that Save you Money whilst helping the Environment .... read
more 4
in 1 Paper Log Maker - make 4 logs each time .... read
to use a Paper Log / Briquette Maker
To use the
standard rectangle shaped paper log maker. Firstly soak the newspapers,
junk mail or cardboard in water. A bucket or water butt is useful for
this. Try to get into the habbit of adding unwanted paper to it so you
will eventually have a constant supply of logs. Once they have become
mushy, lift them out and place into the log maker until they are level
with the top. Place the press over the paper and then press down the
handles to squeeze out any excess moisture. Open the log maker and
remove the paper log for drying. A rack in a shed or garage is ideal
for this. Once dried the logs will burn steadily for up to two hours on
an open fire.
much could I save using a Paper Log Maker?
average UK household receives significant junk mail and envelopes
through their letterbox which could be converted into paper logs to
create free heating. When you combine this with the used newspapers,
magazines, ceral boxes and cardboard that most households discard, it
is estimated that the average household could recycle this waste into
ten paper logs per week. This equates to around twenty hours burn time,
which could result in a significant saving to your heating bills during
those cold winter months.