Paper Log Maker








Heavy Duty Paper Log Maker


Recycled Plastic Paper Log Maker


Paper Log Maker


Dry Paper Log Maker

Manure in your Paper Log Maker?

If you have a growing maure pile that you are struggling to control or access to a regular supply of horse, pony or goats droppings, then this could be a solution that will save on your heating bills.

Following ancient traditions where tribesman regularly use dried camel and horse manure on open fires, several people have found the paper log maker will mould logs from horse, pony or goats droppings. Once dried, the logs hay and grass content ensures they burn well in a stove or on an open fire.

Whilst the process may require a strong stomach, the savings could help susidise the the upkeep of your animals or reduce your heating bills significantly.

The process is simple. Pack the paper log maker with the droppings from your field or stable. Once full, press the levers to produce the mould and turn out onto a dry, well ventilated bench. Stack the bricks in a criss-cross formation to allow air to circulate around them. Let the bricks air for a few weeks until dry, and then use them on an open fire or stove.

The process offers excellent recycling of a waste product to produce free heating which in turn conserves the more traditional fuels we presently use. The waste ash could also be used as a garden fertilizer.

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